Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Some days

There are days were my heart just hearts. This has been such the case for me the last few days.
It started with dreams that woke me in tears. I have not been the same since. How does one move past this hurt. It's been a long time since I felt this type of hurt. I need to be better at dealing with this. It is not good for me. I know this shall pass. But, some days........


  1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on one of my entries.... I'm in the process of reading your blog now.. I've bookmarked..

    Its very well written, I've enjoyed reading it...

  2. So when Mister Man.. will you return to the South, the Deep Deep South... cause it is the Only Place a Southern Gentleman can Reside

  3. I hope you return to blogging soon
