Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two Months Today..

Well, today is a gorgeous day here in the burbs of Chicago, much like it was two months ago. I can't believe that it's been two months to the day since Michael died. I miss him terribly. I miss his voice, his laughter.

There are so many aspects of him that I miss.

I find myself stopping and thinking or even saying outloud "Where did you go Michael"? or "I can't believe that you're really not here with me". Yes life goes on, but it hurts still none the less. I am reminded of him everywhere I go, in almost everything I do. Our lives were that entertwined with each other.

So, in rememberance of Michael, I say "TMD Michael, TMD".

Saturday, August 15, 2009


My story of the hummingbirds.......

Last year late in spring Michael decided we should have a hummingbird feeder. So off we went to buy one, me knowing full well it was to late in the season to put one out. But I was always good for humoring Michael in the things he wanted.

So, we bought a hummingbird feeder, filled it up with sugary red water to attract them. And we waited, and we waited. Nothing. Michael said to me one day "I guess we waited to late to put one up huh"? I smiled and said "maybe so".

This spring we made sure to put out the feeder early so the birds would know they could come here to feed. So we waited and we waited. And again Michael turned to me and said "why haven't we seen any hummingbirds"? I looked at him and smiled and said " Well remember, we work all day and maybe they come around when we're not home". That seemed to satisfy his concern and on with life we went.

The day of Michael's wake I was upstairs at my desk, looking out over the backyard and what do I see at feeder? A tiny little hummingbird at the feeder. I smiled and tears came to my eyes.
Since that day, I have seen the hummingbirds often, one day there was one feeding on the flowers of the trumpeter vine right outside the breakfast nook windows. After it was done feeding it paused for a moment at the window and looked in, as if to say "Hello in there".

I imagine they will be back from time to time.