Sunday, February 28, 2010

The 28th Of The Month

So, it's the 28th of the Month. Some times it creeps up on me and I have no idea why it is when I wake up I seem so weepy. Why is it I can be listening to a song or doing something else and then all of sudden I am in tears. And then I know. It's the 28th. And that explains it all to me.

It's the anniversary of Michael's death, it's been 8 months now and there are times were it seems like it was just yesterday, and then are times were I can not believe so much time has passed. It's almost like a lock on time has occured. It keeps moving but my emotions don't always realize it.

I miss him terribly. How could I not. He had such a way about him and such a lock on my heart.

He still does really. So with that I say, TMD Michael, TMD...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Does One Know?

So here I sit, and my thoughts run rampant. Much has changed in my life, and I am on course with making even more changes and yet I always wonder and second guess myself on whether or not it really is the right thing. How does one ever really know?

I mean there are just so many times one can mull one's thoughts over before they start to drive you crazy. But it's always been my makeup to analize things over and over. It can make me very annoying I know. But even with all that I still never really know if the right decision has been made.

There is only one way to know, and that is to just do it. Then you KNOW. I am ready to make those changes and I am ready to find out if the right one was made. But there is no right or wrong decision in this. It's another chapter in my life. It's the world of Scott, now you know.