Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Birthday..

Happy Birthday Michael. You would have been 53 today. Your are missed and loved by so many. You touched so many peoples lives.

Monday, November 23, 2009

First Times ......

Well I did not go to Key West this year for the annual Fantasy Fest event. It seemed so weird not to go this year, but without Michael it was probably best that I didn't. It would have been my first without him. Seems like there are so many first times without him.

Tomorrow would have been his 53rd birthday. And yet for me it is another first without him. Michael always had such a fear of dying young. His Mother died when she was 53 and it always haunted him and it was the only thing he feared. He used to tell me that he would give anything to have just one more conversation with her. I understand that feeling even better now.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving, and yes another first for me. My first without him. I will be spending it instead with his brother's family. That is not something we ever did with them. As time passes by there will be so many other first that I experience without Michael.

But I will never forget the first time we met. Hard to believe that was over 10 years ago.