Monday, March 14, 2011

Full Circle

Well today I got a shocking notice in my email, an old friend had finally found me on Facebook and wanted to "friend" me. I was startled, rumour had it that he had passed. I guess it was a bad rumour. He was alive and kicking. I was thrilled, I had never totally believed the rumour and had tried over the years to varify it. To no avail.

This is a man who I had known since my late teens and we lived and experienced so much together as young gay men. I think of the things we did, the places we went. The romances that we got each other through, including our own. Though I don't think we ever really considered ourselves involved. We knew each other like no other. And I don't think there was anything that we did not share with the other. If there was trouble to get into we found it.

We got to talk on the phone this morning, and of course tried to catch each other up on our lives and what has happened over the last 15+ years since we had seen each other. It was a most wonderfull thing for me. And to hear his voice after all this time. A flood of memories to say the least. We have both aged of course and have taken some knocks from life. We are older and wiser, but I still felt that connection from all those years ago. I want to sit and talk with him, face to face. There is no one in my life who has known me longer and knows more about me then he.
With all the people that have re-entered my life I feel as though things have come full circle for me.
I am not sure that there is anyone left out there that I have not reconnected with that really matters to me. Maybe there is. But this one knocked me for a loop. I wanted to cry after our conversation. Tears of joy and sadness really, for all the time that has come and gone and things that have yet to come.

And I know that it is because of Michael's death that these things matter to me. I am still learning. And still living this thing called life. I realize that people enter your life at different times, some stay a part of your, and some do not. But I am gratefull for the ones have stayed in mine.

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